Trick or Treat X PÓG

Trick or Treat X PÓG

Melissa Curry

Did you know Halloween is originally an Irish holiday? 

The modern version may not resemble our dear Samhain but you have us to thank for your day of dress up, pumpkins and sweets! 

Though it has changed, we can still see many of our traditions tweaked to fit our times. Much like now, the festival was held by lighting bonfires and dressing up as ghosts and ghouls to ward off the real ones. Instead of pumpkins, people used to carve turnips (they look horrifying!) and trick or treating is as old as the hills too!

We know spooky isn’t for everyone, so if you want to look cute this Halloween, we have just the tips for you! With our orange and purple sets out, there’s no better time to pair up some PÓGs. For those who may feel nervous from the firework bangs, doll up your fingers with sensory spinning rings and match them with some stacking rings for that extra bling.

It would be a shame for all your costume prep to go to waste, so treat yourself to some fun events! Here are our top picks for those who want something proper scary:

Farmaphobia -  Ireland’s biggest Halloween event. Bring nice warm boots and get ready to run for your life through cornfields!

Púca Festival - those with masks will blend right in. Definitely a more traditional approach to our Hallow’s Eve

And here’s some picks for those who may not want too much of a fright but still love the vibe:

The Bram Stoker Festival - got all the charms of Halloween we love to see with tons of nostalgia

Clissmann Pumpkin Patch - super cute pumpkin patch for a wholesome Autumn visit

If you don’t want to go out (it’s getting cold after all) why not take a shot at baking a traditional barmbrack cake. Barmbrack is a type of yeast bread filled with dried fruit that has been soaked in tea. It’s super tasty and definitely nostalgic for the Irish people. 

It differs from other traditional fruit cakes in the little prize you can find inside. If you really want to honour the tradition you can try baking a ring into it!


Halloween is a season with so many elements that everyone can enjoy. Enjoy the changing season and bundle up.


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