Showcase 2022: What makes PÓG different?

Showcase 2022: What makes PÓG different?


Venus Patel for PÓG

PÓG is conscious. We are inclusive, low-waste and believe in more meaningful consumerism. At Showcase 2022, we wanted to do things differently, the PÓG way. 

Here are a few sneak previews of how we are exploring the boundaries:

X No balloons - they are bad for the environment and can harm our furry friends :( 

O Design - our stand has been designed to be recycled: we can use our elements again and again, for years to come! 

X QR Codes - helps to limit the amount of printing we do, saving trees, energy and digitising everything (what’s not to love?) 

O All of our PÓG packaging is plant-made and 100% plastic-free! We work with a progressive German company that has developed a bow made of compressed plant extract. This bow looks and feels like porcelain but it is a biodegradable product (considered a bio-plastic), that decomposes when and if it reaches the earth.

Can't wait to see you in person at Showcase (located in the DCCI Members Area, Stand C21!).  

(Please note: the show is for buyers only and not open to the public)