5 Little Things We Can All Do To Be Kinder to The Planet! X


Reading about the climate crisis can be overwhelming and discouraging. It often feels as if the problem is too big for anything we do to have an impact, but that simply isn’t the case! We all have a part to play in taking care of our planet. With Earth Day coming up next week, we wanted to share 5 things we can all do to reduce our environmental impact. 

#1 Turn off the Lights whenever you leave a room: This is one you probably heard from your parents more times than you can count! Not only will turning the lights off when you leave a room save you money on your electricity bill but it also helps our planet! It reduces your carbon emissions, other harmful greenhouse gasses, and the use of non-renewable energy resources. 

#2 Try Meatless Monday: Cutting meat and animal products out of your diet completely can seem like a scary task, so why not try something small like doing a Meatless Monday once a month! There are hundreds of delicious vegan recipes out there for those of you who like to experiment in the kitchen. It’s a simple way to reduce your consumption of animal products without having to change your entire lifestyle!


#3 Donate/Resell your old clothes: We’re all guilty of buying something we think will look great on us only to never end up wearing it. But just because you’ve grown tired of that pair of jeans doesn’t mean somebody else won’t fall in love with them! You can list them on sites like Depop, Vestiaire Collective, and even Ebay. If that’s too much hassle there’s always the option of donating to a local charity shop! 

#4 Cut out single-use plastic: We’ve all heard a lot about this one, especially in the last few years! More and more people are making an effort to cut single use plastics out of their lives but we need to keep going! Try and get into the habit of carrying a reusable shopping bag in your purse, buy yourself a cute keepcup for your coffee, and ditch the cling film for an environmentally friendly alternative like beeswax paper!

#5 Keep yourself informed and be proactive: This one is probably the most important: Stay informed on environmental issues! You can’t fix a problem you know nothing about. It’s important for us all to keep up to date on different topics, sign petitions to help enact change, and reach out to local politicians to do your part in saving our environment! 



Póg X